Chance for Reentry

Chance for Reentry was a predecessor of current project Chance for Reentry 2. Chance for Reentry was a national project. The main goal was to reduce the risks of social exclusion of individuals serving a prison sentence and increase their competencies to be successful in the labour market.
Below you can find important highlights about previous project.

The Final International Seminar of the National Project Chance for Reentry – you can watch recordings of the presentations.

Seminar Recordings

Actual leaflet of the project Chance for Reentry – goals, equipment, tools, programmes, trainings, publicity etc.

Actual Leaflet

Crime Risk Assessment is the tool for risk assessment of a crime recidivism – basic information inside the leaflet

CRA Leaflet

Goals of the project

As part of the national project, a system of support for convicts for a smooth transition to civil life is being created and verified.

The main goal of the project
is to reduce the risks
of social exclusion of individuals
serving a prison sentence and
their competencies to be
in the labour market.

Linking care during a prison sentence and after release respects and supports existing forms of services. The intention is to reduce the risk of a habitual criminal activity and to limit the emergence of possible crisis situations in the vicinity of persons returning from prison.

Main activities

The main project activity is a resocialization and active integration of citizens serving a prison sentence into society and the labour market and improvement of their access to social services.

The primary aim of the project is to create better conditions for the fulfillment of the three basic functions of serving a prison sentence:

The protective function, which consists of preventing the commission of further criminal activity and protecting the life, health and property of all citizens;

Resocialization function, i.e. integration of convicts into society after release;

Preventive function, which includes the use of all available forms of penitentiary and post-penitentiary action so that the individual is able to lead a regular life as a citizen without inappropriate behaviour and habits plus, above all, to avoid recidivism.

The recipient is General Directorate of the Corps of Prison and Court Guard. The national project involves ten selected prisons from total number of eighteen prisons in Slovakia, as well as the Central Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family through all offices of labour, social affairs and family in Slovakia.


Would you like to know more about the project? Or would you like to be a part of it or a partner? If your answer is yes, or if you have any other questions, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to answer them at the contacts below.

You can find us here
Chance for Reentry 2
National Project

Ústav na výkon väzby a Ústav na výkon trestu odňatia slobody Bratislava (Institute for Detention and Institution for Imprisonment Bratislava)
Chorvátska 5,
812 29 Bratislava 1, Slovakia

Postal address

Generálne riaditeľstvo
Zboru väzenskej a justičnej stráže (General Directorate of the Corps of Prison and Court Guard)

Šagátova ul. č. 1
813 04 Bratislava

Email contacts
